Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Who/What Goes Where

I see that dating has become a strange thing for me these days. Not the act of dating just the thoughts that come with dating. I am in a relationship with someone and I get confused by the way that I see some people think about dating. I have several people in my life who seem to think that when you date it means that your mate goes above anything and everything. That no matter what you are doing if your mate calls you you are supposed to drop what you are doing and go to them that instant. I don't think this way. I personally cannot make one single person the whole reason for me existing. I mean sure I am really fond of my boyfriend, but I also don't think that he is the most important thing in my life. I mean sleep, food, showering, and things like that come first. He ranks at the same spot that my family and my friends rank and that's right there on the tail end of finishing my schooling and getting a career. I don't understand how someone could decide that this one thing can be so much more important than the very basics of life.

I guess that it is beyond my comprehension. I mean, I won't ever look at a cactus and be like this is my reason for living, whatever this cactus wants me to do I will do it. I just can't do that. I'm not saying that I am the most important person in my life but if I don't make some effort to make sure that I am properly taken care of then I won't have a life and there for there would be no need to try to place something before me and everything else because I would become non-existent.

I just don't understand how someone could do that. Eh.

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