Monday, February 7, 2011

The DJ Got Me Callin' the Cops

So we're all young. We make decisions that are, well, questionable. But I guess that happens to everyone. Any who I am the kind of girl who likes to go out and have fun, so when my friend asked me if I wanted to go to her birthday party of course my answer was "Yes." So we spent the whole day together picking up things that we needed for the party. Then we got to the scene of the party and relaxed for a but then we got ready and before we knew it the party was on. The DJ was there getting the music equipment set up, people were showing up with booze and everyone was dressed and ready for a good time. So the DJ blasted some really lame techno music that really wasn't anything that you want to listen to, at least I didn't enjoy the music. It all had the same basic beat and it just wasn't upbeat and happy making. So I threw back a few drinks and loosened up and relaxed around all the new people. I mean I don't mind big groups, but some of these people seemed to, well, to judge way more than they are entitled to. So I got the booze pumping through me and I'm dancing and talking to people and having an all around good time.

About half way through the party I'd had way too much to drink so I was relaxing with some of my good pals and some of my new found buddies, one who happened to be the DJ. The DJ was a major creep. He hung around me like, I don't what the hell he was like but I should have known that something was a little off about him. I mean the way he was dancing and the way he walked around like he was in some other world should have sent red flags up all over the place in my head. So we make our way back to the party area and I requested a song that I really wanted to hear so that I could dance. So Mr. DJ went and found the song and came over to tell me that he was going to play it. At this point all my friends were around me making sure I wasn't getting myself into drunken trouble. The minute they looked away DJ Super Creep decides that he's going to try to kiss me!!! I mean what the hell dude really. I tried to back away from him but he kept coming toward me,luckily my best friend was there and she pulled him off me and told him that he needed to go the other way, away from me. She and my two other friends decided that it was a good time for us to go to be so we headed to or sleep place. On our way there DJ Super Creep tried to cut me off but I had my bestie there to keep him from getting to me. She pissed him off, and the night was saved. We all went to sleep shortly after and woke up not hung over.

Needless to say, I don't like certain kinds of male DJs.


  1. Ah, what a douche hole; I bet he hadn't been laid in awhile. I've seen dudes lose their minds over too much "not-sex."
    But, let's face it, Monica, dudes are gonna try to kiss you.

    I hope the night was good besides that, man. Arr.

  2. Oh it was a really good night. I just didn't like that he knew that I had a boyfriend and still insisted upon trying. I guess really drunk girls are easy targets and are usually stupid enough to fall for it.

  3. Most definitely. Have you ever heard the saying "Just because there's a goalie, it doesn't mean you can't 'score?'" Yep. Totally applicable to drunk girls. Horrible, I know.
