Thursday, February 10, 2011

Books, Books and More Books (Oh and A little bit of Music)

So today I got my library card in the mail. This is my first library card in several years. Most people who know me knows that I love books. I mean if I could tell you all of the books that I have read... well that would take a long time because I am one of those "strange" kids that actually enjoy losing themselves in a good book. Any who today I was at the Public Library and I came across a book called "Converting Kate." This book intrigued me. First off you must understand that I don't really like reading anything that has to do with religion. Here's the reason why:
Me: *Sitting somewhere reading a book*
Random Person: "Hey what are you reading?"
Me: "Oh just this book about this girls mother who tries to force religion down her daughter's throat. The mother thinks that her religion is right, and is the BEST religion in the world."
RP: "Oh well I'm (insert religion) and we believe (insert religious views here). What do you believe?"
Me: "Oh I don't have a set religion. I have many beliefs that coincide with many religions. I guess you can say that I have my own brand of religion."
RP: "Well I think that my religion and that every one should believe like I do. And who are you to take religion into your own hands?!"
Me: "Well you see, I think that every person has the right to believe whatever it is their little heart fancies. And I am a human, just like anyone else and that is why I can take religion into my own hands. Everyone does it. Even you and your (insert name of person who preaches), there for I can handle religion how I wish."

No, I don't think that this happens but it has happened to me on many occasions while I was reading a book called "The Gospel According to Larry" (It's a good book check it out). That was the last book that had anything to do with religion that I have read. So when I found this book called "Converting Kate" and I read the back my first reaction was to put the book back on the shelf and say no way am I even going to consider reading this book. But the first few sentences on the back got to me. They words were of the girl talking to her mother about religion. I am not going to tell you much about it. Once I actually check the book out I will tell you the name of the author or you can look it up. I have mentioned the book name twice now. Any who, on with this thing. I thought about the book and I really wanted to check it out because I felt that it would be a good book to read. I mean these sort of things happen so frequently these days:A parent has a set of beliefs and they take their child to their place of worship or non worship and they make the kid sit through it. Then the child comes of age to make the decision of what they like and what they don't like. The child says that they no longer want to attend or not not attend religious things, but the parents are against the child making this choice and tries to force the child into what the parent wants. This is something I don't understand. The child went through all the prayers, the amens, the sermons but now they've chosen against it and the parent doesn't like this. Why? And why do the parents feel the need to shove religion down their child's throat?

Moving on my bit of about music is simply this. Have you ever listened to a piece of music and completely lost yourself in it? It is the best feeling in the world. For each person it feels different. If you have yet to lose yourself in a piece find a song that you really enjoy and just listen to it, forget about everything and just feel the music inside of you.

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