Thursday, January 27, 2011


So I'm sitting here at my computer listing to Panic at the Disco whilst my two dearest best friends are doing something on the bed. Hey! It's OK ones a boy and ones a girl and for even better measure they're dating and I'm pretty sure that whatever it is they are doing isn't sexual, but I guess you all will never know for sure :P I don't I think that I was fair in my last post. I was feeling bad because literally minutes before I typed the damned thing I'd found out that I'd gained weight which did not please me in the least bit. But to make things even better (not sarcastic in the least bit, I swear!) just as I'd hit the "post" button my mom handed the phone and who was on the other line but a person who wanted me to have a job interview with them. That was really funny. And I have been working on the whole "dieting" thing. I mean I actually go to sleep at my set time so that I get a good amount of sleep and I wake up and make a good lunch and I eat it at a good time and I'm trying to do all the right things. Tonight we are starting to walk and it is going to be a nightly thing and I will be getting up to run on the weekends STARTING THIS WEEKEND! I swear we are. And I might go on Tuesdays and Thursdays and then do Saturdays and Sundays so that I am running four days a week. Yay for me. Any who, one of my head phones came out and I don't like what I heard, they were arguing about body fat. They are so strange. I would love to tell you all some stories but I don't think that they are important and very inappropriate. One of these days something will be clean enough for me to post...

Alright I'm done I got to work on the post that I was working on for my other blog. I'll link it to you crazies one day. Live long and prosper.


  1. I agree. But I figure if I can at least try it I can't be mad if it didn't work.
