Friday, January 21, 2011

Admit it, I'm Awesome and so Are You (Pretty=Perfect?)

You know lately I've noticed that so many people have been putting others down. And for what reason? I can't find one. I have been trying to not put people down and instead I turn on myself and I put myself down. Now most people who know me know that I am typically a narcissistic bitch. But that's the way that I like it. There are not many people that I will let see to the core of me. But I wake up daily and I sometimes have to put on this facade of being purely amazing and making everyone think that I totally love myself and that I think that the world should revolve around me, but that's not true all the time. Sometime I wake up and I look at myself in the mirror and all I think is how ugly I am or how stupid I am and things of that sort. Sometimes I think that it would be better for everyone if I just disappeared and no one ever saw me again. I push past that and I put on my facade. I have done this for so long that I am beginning to believe that I am amazing and that I am the best and I think that the world should revolve around me. And when this seems to my truth I realize that it really is. I mean who the hell is anyone to tell me that I'm not amazing or that I'm not pretty or any other thing that will make me feel better about myself.

This also goes to people around me think that they are perfect and that drives me mad! What makes you perfect? I think that just because you are a cheerleader and everyone thinks that you're so pretty that you are perfect. These kind of people drive me absolutely insane. I mean really, I'm not just saying this. I know that I am not the best looking person ever, and I really do believe that every person is beautiful in their own way. And this is where perfection comes in. I find perfection in the imperfections of everyone. I mean if we were all perfect and made no mistakes then things wouldn't really be worth wanting to do it. Ever. So just because you messed up on the lyrics on a song, you hit the wrong note, you dressed a little different, or any of the things that people look at and they say that you are imperfect, tell them to kiss your ass. You are perfect just like everyone else. Maybe not in the Utopian from of perfect but there is something there that makes you perfect and you are perfectly yourself and if you can't take it from me to be perfect listen to this song, watch this video, and think about it. It doesn't take everyone's view of perfect to make you perfect.

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