Friday, January 14, 2011

The Bad Blogger I am...

Ok so I know that I haven't been blogging for, like, ever. So I'm going to try to make up for it.

So what have I been up to lately you may ask? This is what I have been up: School, studying and talking to my mommy!!!

Anywho, I feel as though this world is coming to a place where everyone has lost what little bit of mind that they have and though of us who are already insane are just getting to be even more so. I look around and see the problems that people are causing for themselves and others around them and I wonder, why can't we just go on living our own lives and not ruining everyone else's? But then I answered my own question and it's because then some people wouldn't have a damn life if they couldn't be making someone else miserable. I mean I'm not saying that you should live your life to make everyone else happy but don't base everything that you do on making someone else's life a living hell, I mean come on people, it's time to grow the hell up and focus on your own damn life and get what you need done.

I know life would be no fun if there was no drama and blah blah blah. Ok get over all that bull shit. Life doesn't need drama to be fun. If you want to have a fun life then go out and do something that you enjoy, unless you enjoy starting drama. I guess that that is all that I can rant about for now but I will try to make sure that I post more often and with things that people might actually want to hear, or not, depends on my mood.

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