Saturday, May 29, 2010

High School Ending

It’s really sad that this school year is coming to a close. For me it is different than most, for a lot of us it is different because we are graduating. For the past four years our lives have been filled with the crazy things that have happened. We’ve spent most of our time saying how we couldn’t wait to get out of school, kept saying that we all wanted to get far, far away from here, but when we are far, far away from here, when we get sad and we think back to a happier time most of our thoughts will be right back here, right back in high school. You’ll be thinking of all those days that you stayed up with your best friends talking about the boys you think you’re in love with or that one girl you all hate. You’ll find yourself talking about that one hot guy that you had as a sub in math class and how you were tempted to go to a baseball game but you didn’t want to seem like a stalker (no this did not happen to me but I know who it has happened to). Or you’ll find yourself recounting that crazy day in the really cool teacher’s class when nothing made any sense at all. Or you’ll think about that day when you swore that your life was completely over and that you were absolutely sure that nothing in life would ever be good again.
You will find yourself thinking about that boy that your friend hooked you up with, and that no matter how bad your day was you would talk to him and everything would be ok. Or how you would stay up to ridiculous hours of the night either talking to him or trying to get him off of your mind so that you have some chance of getting some sleep so that you don’t completely fail your math quiz. You’ll think back to that day when you were supposed to go on the senior trip but your permission slip was turned in too late so you couldn’t go, but your two best friends being some of the best friends ever decide to not go, and the three of you skip the study hall you were supposed to be in and go and kill Zombies and play Rock Band. You think of the day when you were having a mental break down and your friend with the awesome dance moves busted into random dance to make you feel better and helped you compose yourself enough to go to your next class.
You’ll think about that crazy ass sleep over when you did random things like go into ball freezing water, or hand a pretty pointless water fight or colored all over each others faces and made random videos about it. Or how you told your friends the most you’ve ever told anyone and you knew that they wouldn’t tell anyone.
You’ll think of spring break when you went to the coast and you got hit on by some creepy guy with an accent and then have him suddenly loose his accent when he finds out that you’re not, in any way of the same heritage of him and all your best friend can do is try not to laugh at you while you’re internally having a panic attack and all you really want to do is get your coffee and get the hell out of that coffee shop.
You don’t really think about how hard things will be when your teachers aren’t there to help you with the major parts and make sure that you will pass class. That you will have to take more initiative in having to go sign up for a tutor and actually go and get help. That out in the real world that you have to have pride, but that you can’t let that pride get in the way of everything.
Most people don’t realize that most of what happens in high school is what you are going to look back on later in life to get you through the hard times. So now is the time to make new friends, settle the ridiculous arguments with the people who really haven’t done anything to you. Now is the time to tell people how you really feel and to not let the childish things get in the way.
With these last few days in school try to make things last dramatic. In fact kill all the drama. Don’t let the end of the year be full of it. Make things more fun. Tell your everyone that you hope that you can see them over the summer and mean it. When you’re signing year books and exchanging numbers make sure that you make actual plans to use those numbers, you don’t have to make epic plans to travel across the states with these people, just make plans to meet up at the park and just hang out there and talk a little while throwing rocks into the water. High school is the time of your life for the next few years when we’re all going to be fighting to find out who we truly are because we are all going to change. Now is the time to just take a step back and be thankful for all that you have. When you have the chance take everything in with a deep breath, don’t try to force things to be amazing just let them be and years from now, when you’re looking back at things, you’ll remember that that extremely seemingly simple moment was one of the most amazing things that happened.

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