Thursday, May 27, 2010

Skipping Days


No one ever really wants to go. Some of us use it as a release. We go to get away form home, but we still have people telling you what to do.

There are some days when you need to be away from home and school. So you tell your parents that you are going to school and you leave for school but you don't go. Yes, most people know how to skip, but I'm just saying it.

Any who, the best way to skip, in my mind, is to do it with your really good friends. You know the ones that you spend most of your time with, the ones who you can tell everything to. The ones that you can be yourself around. You know, those friends.

And what do you do on days that you skip?? That's not the right question. The question is "what not to do on this day?"

But i guess it kinda depends on what kind of day it is. If it is a nice and sunny day and you've got a lot of energy then you should go outside and do something. On days like this you should go to the beach or something or go to a park and play sports.

If it's a rainy day and you have a lot of energy then get some friends together and go to someone's house and play Call Of Duty. Yes, I am a girl and I played with two other girls and two somewhat strange guys. But they are totally amazing people. And the guys were totally for letting us girls get our turn at playing. They weren't  complete jerks and ignored us the whole time.

Going on. On this day that we were skipping it was just one of those days that you want to spend with your friends so that's what we did. We hung out for a while at King Tomulos' house and played COD and drank zip fizz and sprayed each other with glitter spray and made memories.

There is just something about not being in school and being with friends and being free and doing something that makes you happy. Life's too short to spend all the time you have only doing what you're supposed to do. So next time you have some free time think about something that you WANT to do and do it. Don't waste your life being bored with things that make no sense. So get out of the house and go do something fun.

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