Wednesday, October 13, 2010

The Beginning of something good?

It was just another normal night for us. We started out at my house getting ready, make-up, hair and clothes, the essentials. This was going to be the night. I was just a sophomore at the time and he was a junior, but that didnt matter. My older sisters had warned me about the older guys in high school, that one minute they would make it seem that they want you and the next minute they wanted nothing to do with you. My older brothers said that they would beat the crap out of any guy that did me wrong. I never really listened to what they were saying. I always thought that they just didnt want me to have any fun or just not have a life. Even my older cousins warned me about going to the parties the other high schoolers were having. And they all absolutely forbade any college parties, if they even heard a whisper about me even considering to go to a college party they would be sure to make it impossible for me to go the party.
            It had actually started my freshman year. I went to my first party. It really wasnt that great, a few people and no good music. The one good thing at the party was this guy. His name was Jason. Most of the people there were just sitting around, and then in walked Jason. I was sitting on a chair thinking about how I just wanted to get out of there and just go catch a movie. Then Jason grabbed my hand and pulled me out of my chair and started dancing with me. Being nervous and slightly bewildered at his actions I just giggled and kept dancing with him. This went on for just a few minutes and then he whispered in my ear.
Do you want to get out of here? he asked in a low voice
Yeah. Its pretty lame in here, I whispered back. And just as swiftly as he got me out of my chair he had his hand in mine and was leading toward the door. I turned to see my friends looking at me astonished, I just smiled and shrugged. As an after though I turned and mouthed something, text me, then we were out the door.
             We got to his car and he opened the door for me and helped me into the passenger seat.  I couldnt believe that this was actually happening, I mean Ive seen it in the movies but never had it happened to me. We went to the theater and watched the newest romantic comedy that was playing. Everything seemed so right then. It seemed that not too long after wed met that we both graduated and were accepted to the same college. He even turned down his first choice so that he could stay near me. We stayed strong and we never seem to want to stray.
            Even in college we were inseparable. We were both English majors but had different minors, he in sports medicine and me in music.

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