Thursday, April 15, 2010



We need it to keep us alive. It establishes trust and much more comes from it. Honesty is the base, the starting point, the… what ever you want to call it,  for every relationship that you have unless you want to build a relationship on lies and bull, but hey! What ever sinks your ship. And bending the truth is lying. Lying is unacceptable! Its hazardous to our people. Lies to other people cause fights , maybe even the killing of a few people. Lies from our “Fearless Leader” causes wars, killing many people, treaties being broken, prices going up, our country possibly becoming overtaken… and many more things that I could go on about for days, but I wont make you  suffer.

Honesty can take us very far in life. Like let’s say that you like someone and they like you too. And let’s say that this person wants to know whether or not you like them and you are dishonest, you are left wondering “what if”, and that’s never good. It causes all kinds of distractions.

Honesty can get you to new heights. Like if you are at concert and someone asks you your opinion of the show and you give your truthfully amazing over view of what is going on, you could be getting paid to go on tour and to concerts and tell people your opinion on what you think of the band. You little old you, doing big things, influencing others.

Dishonesty can take you to new places. Like to prison. Lets say you see a murder and you know the person who committed the murder. You go to court and get sworn in and you say “Oh, no, Your Majesty, Mr./Mrs. Judge Person, It was not this person who let me tell you again, who just happens to be my good friend/drug dealer. No s/he was with me all night in my bedroom playing Naked Twister and Scattergories.”  That is something called a lie and your just perjured yourself, and your ass could be in prison, possibly for life.

Yeah, I know that our politicians lie. A lot. And no, it’s not right. But they do it and we fall for the lies. I think we should be able to torture them. Ok maybe not torture them, but make them straight up tell us what their intentions are. So that way we can skip the wars, the recessions, and all the bull crap they put us through.

Maybe we should be a little bit like Europe and Australia and other places where everyone has health care and the only thing you have to worry about is buying food and clothes and boob jobs for your mistress. I think that we need to be honest here and say that our country is greedy and that we need to stop being so money hungry. We need to be honest to our parents, to our friends (how can you be someone’s friend if you lie to them), to our teachers, and for that matter to our enemies. It’s just as simple as that.

Monday, April 5, 2010

High School

High School.
We all love to hate it.
One day it is the best thing , the next day it is the worst. We all have to attend this place at one point or another but what the hell, it's a free education and it will help you in life. I know that one day you will bitch about all the homework and the next day it will be about the drama(because believe me, there is a lot of it). but before you let it all get to you take a deep breath and think about what a wonderful learning experience this is. Without High School you wouldn't make halfway through life. High School hardens you. This is the place where you learn to forget about all the negativity and just think about the positive and make yourself into who you want to be. This is where a lot of growing happens too. I mean at the beginning you will be this immature person who never thinks about what they say or do, by junior year, you will think before you speak. You will learn to tell the difference between the people that you want to surround yourself with. But senior year, you will become a mix of an immature person and someone who will freak out because they failed one quiz. Or maybe that's just me, but then again with the life that i had i have the right to be the way i am. In High School you will be so overwhelmed by things that you will honestly want to kill someone or something. Let me tell you something; this is not the best thing to do. When you get frustrated the best thing to do is do your work. Not that i do mine, but seeing as how my high school career is ending...

Any way no matter how bad High School seems don't let  it get to you. Use it as a growing experience, and you will actually make it far in life believe me.